Web Scraping. What is it good for?Scraping a website can be an extremely powerful exercise to retrieve data from a website for your own project. You may want to retrieve how…May 28, 2021May 28, 2021
What is asynchronous code?Do you ever find yourself trying to retrieve information and then display it on a webpage in what seems to be a simple fetch and render…May 11, 2021May 11, 2021
DOM DOM DOM DOM DOMA Domain Object Model or ‘DOM’ in its simplest form is a Tree Data Structure. It is made up of HMTL and can accessed by Javascript to be…Apr 22, 2021Apr 22, 2021
Collect to Select — collection_select in Ruby on RailsAs a student of Ruby, I found myself looking up documentation for a Rails’ form_for method often. While form_for is being depreciated for…Apr 1, 2021Apr 1, 2021